Friday, January 28, 2011

Sorry we haven't blogged in a while. Things got busy after Christmas and etc. etc. But several moments have brought smiles to our faces and we would like to share those with you. The first picture is of Andy's fingers. Now you may be wondering how he is magically balancing that piece of pottery on his fingertips. You may be amused to find out that he is not balancing the piece of pottery at all! In fact, Andy is cheating and making us think he is so talented when in fact he is using superglue! That's right, super superglue! Now, perhaps you are wondering why even blog about this mundane event. Well, I thought it was pretty funny that when Andy was being a nice husband and fixing our broken dish that he managed to superglue his fingers together and the pottery to his fingers as well within seconds. Literally, one minute he opened the glue and attached the fragment and the next it was, "Becca, I think I'm stuck." and then the next minute, "Becca!" (imagine a rising note of hysteria) "My fingers are stuck, I can't get them apart! Stop laughing, it's not funny!" At this point I was pretty amused and was laughing quite a bit. While eating dinner we tried soaking his fingers in nail polish remover to no avail and eventually had to go over to my parents house to use acetone, which eventually worked. Andy laughed after he got his fingers back!

This next picture is of ANdy in uniform. He did his Psychiatric rotation at Travis Air Force Base and had to be in uniform. I think he looks hot! Though for some reson I couldn't get the picture to rotate correctly, sorry.